With today’s world moving more and more towards remote work and maximizing resources, outsourcing work is just one of the many steps taken by companies.

By definition, outsourcing is when a company employs someone from outside of the company’s main team to finish a specific deliverable or project. This has become more popular particularly today, when companies need to meet their clients’ needs, or when work is expected to roll out around the clock, like in the digital and social media fields.

If you’ve outsourced some of your company’s work, you might wonder how you can keep your outsourced team in the company’s culture. Here are 4 ways to keep your outsourced team motivated:

1. Introduce them to your company’s values and DNA

Your outsourced team should be acquainted with how your company thinks and conducts business. They might be working temporarily and from afar, but it’s important for them to know what you stand for as a business in order to let that reflect in their day-to-day work with you.

2. Get to know them and their culture

If you’re outsourcing to someone you don’t know, or even someone in another country, it is very wise to get to know them a little bit on a personal level and to research a bit about their background, culture, and customs. This way you can relate to them and be sensitive to their perceptions as well.

3. Be transparent about the project or deliverable at hand

Make sure to explain the entire idea upfront and be clear about your expectations. Give a full and clear brief that they can understand and base their work on. Be sure to be available for any follow up questions they might have.

4. Consider bonuses or benefits to reward progress

To motivate your outsourced team you can consider giving them bonuses, raises, or other rewards when you see progress or great work being done. Rewards are always a great motivator, and you will definitely see a jump in work.

For more help or tips on Outsourcing, take a look at our website or blog.

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