Bridge. Outsource. Transform

B.O.T (Bridge. Outsource. Transform) is an impact-sourcing platform that provides high-quality digital services executed by a skilled workforce from marginalized communities in Lebanon. Our aim is to ensure women and youth have access to global and local digital work, giving them the platform to work their way up while securing a source of income.

Make an Impact

B.O.T creates a better future for women and youth from marginalized communities with a socially responsible outsourcing services network. Our program equips our participants with life skills and provides them with income-generation opportunities. The work they do provides an experience that allows them access to new career paths. Ultimately, the combination of their experience and their digital skill set will help them attain full-time employment.

Our Awesome Team

Marianne Bitar

Founder and Managing Director

Charbel Saliba

Co Founder and Operations Director

Katya Egorova

Grants and Strategy Manager

Rita Hawa

Talent Management Manager

Carlo Haddad

Project Manager

Imad Hteit

Project Manager

Melissa Salame

Project Manager

Samer El Hajal

Project Manager

Hazem Mrad

Data Scientist

Anna-Maria Tass Ibrahim

Marketing Coordinator

Bedros Hossebian

Business Development Coordinator

Yorgo Wakim

Product Owner

Joe Abboud

Junior Data Scientist

Carine Samaha

Assistant Project Manager

Tatiany Jreige

Workforce Officer